The Other Side.

Neo looking down from the other side of the hallway.

Went to get some new tyres today.  Expensive, but still a lot cheaper than when I bought them last time.

Then I got some bad news.  There's been a slight clunking sound when I've been turning the steering wheel (I thought I'd get it sorted out at the next service).  Apparently, there's a little bushel in the steering column that wears down over time and needs replacing.  The only thing is it's very expensive, like $6,000, to have it repaired.!!!

So, I left the tyre place, feeling really depressed.  Went home and discussed to with my husband.  We thought about getting rid of the car, but that just means even more money.

So, I drove to the garage I use to do my car services.  The man said that this problem was expensive, but it had come down a lot in price, and the dealers now charge $3,000 for this repair.  Still expensive, but better.

Then he said, 'but we've found a way to do it a lot cheaper, $650'.

Guess who I'm going with!!!

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