
Just over a year ago a community group was successful in purchasing the old Rockfield Primary School in Oban from Argyll & Bute Council.  It was transferred at a token sum although the condition of the building has meant that lots of money has been, and will be, spent on it just to keep it upright.

Today I went to see the interior of the school for the first time, though I have been supporting the Community Trust from the beginning. 

Already there is a great deal of work being done to stabilise the building, remove the dry and wet rot and begin the long process of creating an arts and cultural centre for the town.    This view, from one of the classrooms, not only show how central the building is but also includes another listed structure on the site - the old toilets which were also a bomb shelter in the second world war. 

This weekend  as part of the Oban Winter Festival there will be an oral history exhibition in one of the temporary classrooms (put up in 1959 for a few years, but still there ) and there are lots of other things going on with many volunteers involved.   I have no doubt that in time this is going to be a wonderful asset for the town and the determination of local people not to allow it to disappear or be taken out of community use has been the determining factor.  

As I left I  couldn't but think of Castle Toward  - a place that could have been the same generator of community pride and effort  for the whole of Cowal if Argyll & Bute  Council had not been so determined to stifle and prevent local purchase.  However its new commercial owners - or almost owners - have offered to involve local people  in their plans so all is not completely lost, despite rather than because of the councillors and officials in Kilmory. 

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