Ancestor Stones

Dear Diary,

My e-course on Honoring Ancestors has been wonderful.  I still have a week to go and my book to make but my latest exercise has been to create ancestor stones.  When I was in Canada a couple of years ago I went to a very special beach of amazing stones and brought back a box full.  This exercise let me use some of them.

I've written the names of some of my ancestors that will join me for Thanksgiving this year.  It is a way to acknowledge their role in my life and welcome them.  I went to a cousin's gathering last week and brought two stones for women who use to join us each year but who have recently died.  I placed the stones in the center of the table.  Again, it is an acknowledgement that they were an important part of our lives and we miss them; they are not forgotten.

I like these sorts of small rituals.  The e-class has offered several new insights to enhance the way I think about those who came before me and who still influence my life in many ways.  This was a recent quote from the class that I will use in the little book I am making:

It is the responsibility of the living to heal their ancestors.
- Malidone Some

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