Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Florence - Showing her best side.

Another dull day with some rain and at times rather windy, although my weather app told me the temperature in my village was thirteen degrees Celsius, it did not feel like it. However, Florence has spent the morning outside, much of the time on the balcony, while Dougal has alternated between inside and outside. I understand from my daughter who is working near Cambridge that the gritters have been out gritting the road this morning.
Once it started to rain more heavily around lunchtime, both came in and Florence decided to sit in her new favourite place, on top of two doors that are stored in the North bedroom.
Today’s picture is by special request from ‘blast’ who wanted to see Florence sitting on the doors; her head is just about touching the ceiling! This room is waiting to be decorated and is used partly for storing stuff as we move it around the house as we finish building and decorating work; it is a long way down the list!
Note to blast: Please do not let Sandra see this picture; I do not want to be responsible for Sandra falling and hurting herself or for any hefty VET bills.

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