Here we go again!


Artistes, Pont des Arts

We had a breakfast at Ch's school in the morning and then got to see her class perform an adaptation (by them) of Les Misérables. They did a great job - I especially liked certain tableaux: Javert's suicide, Gavroche singing "C'est la faute à Voltaire" and then being shot with a huge plastic gun someone had brought...

Th had her friends over for the afternoon and they seemed to enjoy themselves, watching Monty Python and trying to keep cool in the awful heat.

J and I tried an Italian place in our neighbourhood for lunch, then I went to the Bib. de l'Institut and got some work done. I took this as I was crossing the bridge from the 72 bus stop over to the Institut. There is never a shortage of blip possibilities on that bridge!

I was having internet issues last night... hence the need to back blip this one.

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