Prince Sausages

So, these are the prince sausages we now keep in our refrigerator. For future use, says mum. How future, I wonder? Like tomorrow-future? Soon enough-future, is the answer I get. In the meantime, lets blip them, because once they are in play, they will not be around long enough to take a picture.

Prince sausages are small wiener sausages, especially popular on the smorgasbord and for Christmas. The virtue of these particular sausages as top notch training treats is that they are onion free. And yummy!

I met a big black lab today on our morning walkie. Her name was Smilla and she was twelve years old. Normally, I find big dogs a bit scary, but she was very calm and dignified. She gave mum a high five and got one of my lamb treats. Hope we meet again.

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