A Light Lunch?

That was the intention when we treated ourselves to a meal out before visiting the cinema this afternoon.  However, due to a mix-up, my husband was served this MEGA portion of ribs:-)  His face was a picture when the waitress put it down in front of him, but sadly I wasn't quick enough with the camera!

The mistake was theirs, so we were only charged for the smaller portion ordered, but even with my help he couldn't finish it all.  Who eats plates of food this size???

We waddled off to the cinema afterwards to see "The Lady in the Van" and I loved it, although my husband wasn't quite so keen and thought it a bit odd. Maggie Smith gave an Oscar-winning performance, with lots of humour and pathos and one scene in particular had me in tears, while another had me in fits of laughter:-)

The drive home in the dark in lashing rain and flooded roads wasn't at all funny, however and I hope it dries up again soon.

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