Say Cheese

With the dark nights, crappy weather, low light and general bluugghhness at this time of year Blipping gets a bit tough. 
Having been through this four times before - inspiration is a bit thin on the ground and Blippable things in my house have all been Blipped.
So I got on to eBay, ordered this little chap and all my difficulties are solved!!!
Usual Monday today. A few jobs sorted, a bit of tidying and cooking, a trip to the dump and the charity shop, pilates at lunchtime and an afternoon researching. Nothing I like better than website research!!
All the arguments yesterday about homework and spellings obviously paid off. Miss E got her usual ten out of ten which always makes me proud. And Miss L got a fabulous nine out of ten (only spelling exciting wrong, forgetting the initial e!!!
She's five and she can spell chocolate, Wednesday, brother, lemonade, mistake, devastate, music, biggest and why.
And xciting!!!!
Clever little sausage!!

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