
It has been so windy and blustery today and typically threw it down at school pick up time, so much so my jeans were wringing and C and I both had to strip off when we got home.

This am R and I enjoyed music class with our friends - it was claves today and R seemed to get the hang of it. I took R to my hair appt after a quick lunch and although she was awake the whole time she did brilliantly, she was fascinated by what everyone was doing and gave some great smiles while I had my hair washed.

After school, C had been telling me about the school nativity play rehearsals and that his part was Spiderman! I have no idea whether to believe him or not but anything is possible and i convinced him to try on his so far unworn dress up gear from his 3rd birthday! He quite liked it and said it meant he could 'shoot cobwebs now!' Goodness help Mary and Joseph!

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