Waves crashing in.

My 16 year old granddaughter went into Hospital yestarday with excruciating pain.doctors think it may be gallstones. She supposed be having a scan today.so waiting for news.I went down to village this morning it is very windy.quite a few cars and shop fronts covered in foam blowing off the sea.had a coffee at my friends this morning her husband had a stroke a couple of years ago.I down loaded the photos I had taken this morning on my hudl and took it out to show him.before he had his stroke he would take his daughters dog for a walk around the village almost every day as well as looking after his garden which he loved.now have to have a gardener in as it is too much for my friend to do.it is sad to see him mostly sleeping in his chair.and he was so full of fun.I have known him since early 60s when he would pick Y up from the shop we both worked in.when you are young you don't think about sickness or old age.

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