
By Croft16

That dog again.. G up for her yoga class, and as it was raining hard, messed about on the PC for a while. G (different G) phoned, and wanted some copies of bank statements for the development co. So I scaned those, and emailed them to her.

The rain eased for a bit, so I got A's ATV and trailer and went down the croft to do a harvest. A lot of the salads have been scorched by the strong winds we've had, but I picked some that had been sheltered by a neighbouring row. I'll be able to clear a few more rows and put some more seaweed on.. Tans had a run on the beach, and we got back up to the house just as it poured down again..

Invoice done and veg delivered. Got back in time to get wood in, and get fish off a different fish van to CC. (We get two fish vans in Scourie on a Wednesday). Our one has been coming for years, but lost some trade to this new guy. I stay loyal!..

Found a program on the internet for cataloguing my music collection. It does quite a good job, I can enter a band name, and get all (nearly) of the albums by them, and all versions, LP's, singles, CD's, remastered CD's. By selecting an album, all songs and details are imported.
Cost's £30, but looks good.

An emergency blip here. A wet manky day, with a dry spell when I did the harvest. Streetlamps on before 3:30..

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