About lots of things.....
I had a good session with A this afternoon. I always feel really comforted by what she says. I struggle to remember it all once I've left though. It's straight back to reality. She was really pleased that I was offered the job too.
I was going to go to the gym tonight, but I am just too tired. I'm only working half-days at the moment, so you would think I would be well rested, but it's definitely not the case. I said to my mum yesterday that I never feel energetic about anything, it all feels like a chore. I'm only 31 though..... not sure it's supposed to be that much like hard work!
Woke up at 3am this morning a bit randomly. It must have been a sense of foreboding as when I got to school I found out I had a meeting with the others to help smooth the way with a "challenging" colleague. She got very angry and stormed off. Her line manager told her to go home. That was for her own good, as she wasn't really fit to be there really. I don't like it when people are upset, but her stress is leaking over onto the rest of us and it's making the rest of the team suffer. We need to work together- we've got 60 children between us to take care of!
I should be glad I have a job offer on the table, I could walk away from all this in a few months. But I'm just not sure what to do.
I've had the formal offer through via email. I'm going to ask for time to think a bit more before I give my final answer.
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