Stupid Jumper!

I bought a stupid Jumper today because it was half price - and soft! But it's fun and kids love fun!

Also spent a fortune in Sainsbury buying 'C' word stuff. And lots of Tassimo coffee discs because they were a bit cheaper. Was forced to drink a Ginger bread latte in Starbucks!

Afternoon at work where I was a bit traumatised by the language of a 5 year old. As if an 'F' word isn't bad enough, he added a 'C' word of his own and it wasn't 'Christmas' !

Had a bit of a strop with Mr W after he changed his mind about not wanting dinner tonight (as I bought myself a 3 minute microwave meal) and ended up having to cook at 8.30 this evening but I was probably a bit unreasonable as I was tired AND hungry. Not a great mix for me!

Then finally got to bed for the news and just as I was dropping off to sleep, Mr W jumped up with an 'S' word (very unlike him! ) and realised he was meant to be going to a midnight cinema screening with his daughter! Stupid idea!

I tried to grab a shot of him legging it to the car so I could continue my 'Life and Times' series but I wasn't quick enough! !! So here you have my stupid Jumper! !!

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