
I may have to learn how to make slow gin this year - there are sloes everywhere!
There was only one fallen tree on the way to school this morning. Much to the Little Misses' disappointment - I think they'd been expecting (and hoping for) apocalyptic scenes of carnage and destruction!!
Once I'd dropped them off I came home for a day of website construction. It's slow going. Made even slower by accidentally closing the site without saving my work. Grrrrrrrrrr!
Gymnastics after school for Miss E and an hour in the car for Miss L spent surfing down the back of the passenger seat on her pillow pet. She lives for Wednesday nights, ha ha!!!!
Pizza Hut with Mr K afterwards and home to bed.
I was very good in Pizza Hut and didn't have anything other than tea and a bowl of salad. The boring healthy bits.

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