Man flu or actual flu?

It’s Movember which means it’s the time of year all men are encouraged to take notice of their health. We all joke about man flu but how can you tell if it is flu or just a common cold? 

 On average, adults can expect two colds a year and children as many as 10, until they develop immunity. Sometimes a bad cold can be mistaken for flu because a severe cold can also cause muscle aches and fever. But it’s how quickly the symptoms come on which is the biggest clue. Flu usually comes on much more quickly than a cold.

For more information visit: https://eastleicestershireandrutlandccg.nhs.uk/news/our-campaigns/stay-well-this-winter/ or www.nhs.uk/staywell.


·         High temperature of 38 – 40 degrees celsius

·         Muscle aches and pains

·         Sweating

·         Feeling exhausted and needing to lie down 

·         Dry, chesty cough.


A person with flu may also have a runny nose and be prone to sneezing, but these are not usually the key symptoms of flu.

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