Almost Too Late

Went to work, worked, went back home ... but detoured to the waterfront to shoot this when I noticed it while walking back to my car.

An uneventful day and I hope the rest of the quarter will stay like this.

Genealogy this evening.  Noticed that I included two names in the list I had already sent that I already had, so hastily wrote the genealogical bureau to scrap those names and substitute a couple of others (I have enough here to last at least half a year).  I don't think I'm too late.  I really should visit them with a box of chocolates one of these days.  Maybe around Saint Nicholas?  I also have a sneaky feeling that they have hired an extra person just to service my requests as it is now taking a lot less time for them to reply.  Either that or there are less people asking them for information so that they now have more time for me.  Whatever it is, I'm okay with it.

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