Reminders of Spring

Another poster at work!  Another one I don't recall having seen in the old building so maybe it came from somewhere else.  It brightens up the hallway outside the teachers' room where I have my desk.

Went to work, worked, had another one of those assessment interviews, which went well, went back home.

This morning, hubby, too, had his own assessment interview -- at the office of the government agency in charge of his sickness benefits.  He had been advised by his psych not to go alone but to take a friend or relative who would make sure hubby wasn't intimidated and who would take notes to show the interviewer that someone was paying attention.  Hubby chose bro-in-law J and according to both of them, the talk went well.  Of course, that doesn't mean the outcome will be favourable.  I prefer to stay positive, though.  In the meantime, I had already indicated during my assessment interview, without saying anything about hubby, that I might go for a full-time job next year.  I am already working 4 days a week so a day more won't make much of a difference.  I hope, though, that I won't need one more day.  Rest has become a valuable commodity and I seem to be needing more of it.

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