Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Toby and Eva stalling their bedtime by trying on all the glasses out of the dressing up box. Toby had three pairs on saying "oh look, I'm a policeman, I'm a rock star, I'm a pineapple ".

Day started painfully when one of Lime's field mates decided to try and herd him from the gate whilst I was trying to get him out of the field and lime trod on my foot in the tussle. It really hurt and I screamed very loudly which fortunately shocked him into removing his hoof from my foot. I dropped the lead rope and did that mad hopping walking about dance till the pain subsided a bit. Poor Lime was following me round like a lost puppy, feeling so sorry for what he did! Anyway, it's just badly bruised so I still went for a ride with Wendy. We got caught in a bit of a squall on the way home. Was frozen by the time we got back to the yard but the boys were both really good.

Home for a good hot shower then picked the kids up for Tobys swim lesson. He finally made a bit of progress with his back stroke. I've also booked three taster sessions of tag rugby in the hope that he'll enjoy a team game rather than playing on his own all the time. He's adamant he's not going to try it. So we've struck a deal that on the morning after rugby I will bake him a chocolate cake provided he gives it a go. And if he hates it then he doesn't have to go again!!

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