Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Canary Wharf

Had to go over to our rental property today to meet a surveyor, as we've had a leak and there's been some damage done to the kitchen ceiling. I was given a 'school run slot'. "This is designed for parents who need to ensure they are at the school gates on time", I was told by the insurance company... "he'll be with you by 2" I was assured!

But of course no, he finally turned up at 2.45. And bearing in mind I was on the wrong side of London to where my children were, there was no way I was getting to the school gates on time!

Anyway, a very lovely friend was on standby (don't know why I wasn't 100% convinced by their assurances... it was Barclays I was dealing with after all!!). So she very kindly grabbed Amy & James and took them home with her.

I was disappointed not to have a chance to wander around as I just love Canary Wharf... all the new and then a little way down the road onto the Isle of Dogs, a small part of the old East End still existing alongside all the high rises. And it was a lovely day for photos.

Anyway I snatched a few on the way to the tube station and promised myself I must come down here more often... but perhaps I'll wait until the Olympics is over!

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