Jess from Accuro

I had said earlier this week I had some exciting things to talk about. Marie is Home now and resting, absolutely amazing 2 days after surgery ( Marie farted and smelled like someone died about 6 months ago Marie's words not mine) this is fantastic something that is quite normal for some of us but something Marie had to do to ensure her Bowel reversal had worked.
We have Major Medical Cover with Accuro something we cannot afford but believe me now it is something we can not afford NOT TO HAVE.
I posted on their Facebook page and they contacted me about doing a Video Testimonial. Last year in Canterbury 29000 people were turned down for a First Surgical Appointment, Marie was one of those 29000. Had her Locum Dr not referred back to the DHB for another appointment stating that Marie needed to be seen by a Specialist and we just like many other people in the same boat could have rolled over and accepted the fact of not being seen,then all I can say is possibly Marie might not be here anymore. When Marie was seen, Mr Roadley identified an Abscess requiring a minor procedure, I asked if we can have it treated through our Accuro Cover, a date was made and Mr Roadley also decided to Scope Marie and it was through this he found Cancer. So today Jess from Accuro who does their Marketing flew down to Timaru with Ro Tierney Videographer to video my Testimonial. They Videoed me Coaching Thomas and Ophelia,and doing Photography. Jess supplied all of us with lunch  and then it was back home to video some more of me photographing in the garden. When going through the interview I become quite emotional especially when I explained had we not had any cover and had to go through the waiting list system Maries condition could have become terminal. We were rewarded with 12 months cover Paid for by Accuro and Marie was given a lovely bunch of flowers. We are Blown away by the generosity. We extend our Heartfelt thanks for the support from Friends and Blip Family for your support and well wishes. Thank you so much from Myself and Marie.

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