Picking up a Car

Julias' car went for a service today, it's a monster Audi A5. Lovely car but very large compared to my normal vehicles! Took this when we stopped at traffic lights by the way, I wasn't driving!
We use a chap not too far away, runs his own garage and is ex-RAF mechanical transport and used to look after my father in laws VW Camper Van and his car. Started using him myself for the MX-5 except for servicing and MOT as I currently have a service contract. 2016 is a huge service which is where the contract comes into its own and makes it worth doing.
Anyone in Gloucester and needing a mechanic should see Mike at 123 Car & Commercial.
(Any advertising is good I guess)

Just noticed the marks on the lower half of the passenger window. Any dog owner will recognise them! HAHAHAHAHA

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