Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Heading up the road

Took this from the roadside on my way to gather sheep for another farmer. It was snowing and raining as i left. Dropped off the baking with my friend and picked up her collie so he coyld come for the gather, hes also going to stay with me for the week so he can have some fun since she is so busy. I was lucky and caught the local feed merchant just as he was leaving on his "day off" so officially he was closed but thankfully he let me get a couple of bags of dog food. As we headed out for the gather they were busy having a pheasant shoot on the estate and had neglected to warn the farmer. My poor dogs who were so excited to be out gathering became quivering balls off fluff by my feet. Thankfully they come to me when they are scared. We moved away from the area quite quickly though and they soon cheered up and got into work. Gather went well and on the way home i picked up our beef that had been butchered and packed at the abattoir, all carefully stacked and counted and in the freezer now with a couple of steaks out to sample tomorrow night.

4c cold with icy, snowy rain showers

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