Office Window Sunset

Caught this as I was preparing to leave work.  I knew I had to either shoot it or miss it.

Went to work, worked as far as I could go without getting sleepy, went back home.

The temperature has dropped.  It was dry when I walked to work and dry when I walked back to the car, but quite wet in between.  It'll be raining a bit more often, hopefully no downpours, and the wind will be cold.  There will be frost in the morning, occasionally.  The telltale signs of winter.

Funny but heartwarming mobile phone conversation today with the receptionist at the genealogy office.  I had mistakenly included two names in my latest list that I discovered I already had.  Not wanting to spend 10 euros for nothing, I immediately snailmailed them a letter using one of their request forms, asking them to remove the names and substitute "the following".  And then I remembered what they told me last year, that the latest requests are put at the bottom of the pile, the rule being 'first come first served'.  I phoned to clarify that the second letter request should be a part of the first.  Before I could get a word in, though, the moment the receptionist heard my name, she quickly reassured me that she had seen the second form and had handed it immmediately to the guys in the department and that I had absolutely nothing to worry about.  I was speechless!  I didn't need to explain a thing!  I guess they have become very familiar with "that woman who sends us 56 names every month".

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