
By MamaOfBoys

Not long

Until santa arrives and here you can see my 3 little guys and the hubby all reading the latest toy shop catalogue talking about what they all want from santa. Sigh unfortunately it seems it was most of the catalogue that was requested. Santa may need to re mortgage the north pole or sell some reindeer.

Kanye had the dentist this morning so he came with me to take Marley to school. His teeth are good luckily and thankfully.

They said to keep doing what we're doing aka hold him so we can brush his teeth morning and night. The preventative work they did a few years back is working well. 

He has a new adult tooth and has the last 3 to lose which the dentist imagined would lose in the next year. I didn't think to ask about preventative work on his new adult teeth but i guess its better to wait until he has them all in .

He got 2 new stickers and a toothbrush which excited him. The dental clinic is on the same site as his school so i walked him over afterwards.

I got news that Kanye will be moving class next year- just next door!

There are 4 classrooms at the school that are the special needs school he attends. So what they call them a re satellite classes- classrooms for the special needs guys on mainstream school site 

The classroom next to Kanyes have children that are more verbal. From what i understand,  the class Kanye is in the children are perhaps a little less capable than him- Kanye loves social interaction and actually plays well with mainstream kids, which of course is true i mean he was at a mainstream school for 4 years.

So anyway the class hes moving to has children more able/verbal and are more his level of capable. It also works well that his new teacher is male. I think this will be good for Kanye he always has /does respond to males but he'll play up for me or his current teacher or in the past his teacher aid Debbi. 

Kanye has spent some time off and on in this other class this year so the teacher already knows all about him and though they'll still do a detailed handover its comforting to know he already knows Kanye

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