Our son and family arrived mid morning and he and A went off to have some time together without the children.
Before lunch we put together and decorated the gingerbread house kit I blipped a few days ago (on the 18th.) There was icing everywhere T and C ate more of the sweet decorations than ended up on the house! Not much resemblance to the picture on the box, but the children are only 4 years and not quite 2 years old and they did do the majority of it themselves!!!

After lunch we went to the park to fly a kite and play on the play equipment, the kite was a great success as it was very windy. We played with lego, researched sharks, as I had found a shark's tooth fossil when de cluttering, and T wanted to draw an under sea picture with sharks. We made an elongated street picture with a road which T and C adorned with vehicle stickers.
I cooked their tea and they were bathed and ready for home when their Mum and Dad returned in the evening to take them home.
We collapsed with a glass of wine to help us recover!! 

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