A sure sign...

...that winter is on its way locally is when the farmers bring the flocks off the high fells.
After a long weekend of doubly burnt candles and excess I felt I owed Pushka needed a good long stomp out around the lanes. The weather has been forecast to turn grim (unsurprising newsflash - it did) so I decided to be out first thing - the light striking the fields was intermittently glorious & I had thought I'd arrive at Kelleth Rigg to blip contrastingly vibrant green fields & blue sky - but the rolling weather front beat me there - however stood at Wain Gap the relatively low sun illuminated the sheep* like little beacons (I'm quietly confident they're not that clean) - and I thought that they added to the mix of colours.

* for those that are aware of my dislike of sheeps(!) - it's only on the fells - I accept they need to be here in the fields so that later they can be on my dinner plate. In fact it might be one of these very sheep on Boxing Day....

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