Day by Day

By Christophi


I am using a picture I took last week up at the Madonna del Sasso. Already then when I took it after having walked upwards through the mist into the sun, I knew I will be using it today Monday 23 Nov, my first day after holiday because it fits in many aspects, not just because of "mono" Monday.


"The Madonna del Sasso is a sanctuary and pilgrimage church in Orselina, above the city of Locarno in Switzerland. It is the principal sight and goal of pilgrimage in the city.

The founding of the sanctuary goes back to a vision of the Virgin Mary that the Franciscan brother Bartolomeo d'Ivrea experienced in the night of 14/15 August 1480. The interior is highly decorated, and a platform gives a magnificent view of the city.

The sanctuary is linked to Locarno city centre by the Locarno–Madonna del Sasso funicular.",_Switzerland

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