Somehow, despite the weather forecast, it was a surprise to see frost on the ground this morning. The skies were blue all day and, accordingly, it stayed pretty cold despite the sunshine.
More shed activity: GardenChap put the roof on this morning - with just the bitumen to go on to make it properly weather-proof. This afternoon Mr B sorted out a problem with levels that would probably have been ok, but was bugging me. Meanwhile I treated the rest of the wood for facia boards and the like, incompetently jigsawed a very long length of wood in half, and dealt with a bunch of admin things. (Including booking panto tickets; oh yes I did.)
This oak tree was for the chop, but its pretty shape earned it a reprieve. I think its bonny autumn foliage earns it a permanent place here in the 'orchard'. (The 'orchard' will lose its apostrophes when the 'apple trees' do anything to prove to me that they are not just ordinary trees.)
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