Leaving Doo
It was my work leaving doo tonight, nearly a week early. Rosemary is over next week and I didn’t a) want to be overly tiddlie when she is here and b) be packing up the house with a hangover.
Monica drove me to the pub. This girl is a legend in my eyes, having got on a coaching scholarship, with me mentoring her…..must be about 5 years ago. Every year she seems to move a step up the coaching ladder in the GB Cycling Team and I’m incredibly proud of her.
It was great to have my great friends at the pub too… Kelly, Steph, Julia and Charlotte are so special to me….almost like a surrogate family who’ve been there in good times and bad. Joe, one of the most enthusiastic Go-ride coaches too…..i’ll miss our chats, Neil who emanates from the same box of frogs that I do, Sue, Alan the IT man……… ach I’m getting emotional!
I was very tiddlied when I got on the train!
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