Growing old disgracefully



Had a quick coffee and sandwich with the Prof on my way to Edinburgh for a See Me meeting.  On the way back through Glasgow I met the rest of the family for a celebratory meal following our grandaughter's graduation.  Good to have an engineer in the family. 

I got lost in Edinburgh, walking between Haymarket and the meeting venue.   A couple who got off the train were similarly confused, possibly because we were all following Google Map directions.  We kept parting company and then meeting each other at the next corner.  At first we were just bemused, but we ended up enjoying it as though caught up in a bad comedy.  Neither of us could get 3G on our phones, so we were completely in the dark.  No 3G?  In the capital city?  I am trying so hard to overcome my dislike of the capital city, but the strange reluctance to name streets at street corners baffles me. At one point I found myself inexplicably walking on the pavementless edge of the Western Approach Road, heading west and tempted just to keep going. 

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