
I could be talking about the cup of tea, but anyone who is a regular visitor to my journal will know that it is the kitchen that is unfinished and this wall shows just how unfinished it is. Just look at the colour - that's what was underneath the wall paper and is presumably what a previous owner thought was a suitable colour for a dining room (which is what it was before we changed things around a bit). There's no accounting for taste.

I've challenged Diana to a games night tonight. In the last couple of months, I've brought three games and not yet played one of them. We have 'Hive', 'Hey that's my fish' and 'Wobbly Blocks'. I suspect Wobbly Blocks is going to be a game best played when you've had a drink or two, so I will finish the bottle of red that I opened at the weekend and I will try and persuade Diana to have a fruity cider. Last time I got her drunk we ended up engaged. I wonder where it will take us this time.

Took Tim to the Cultivo Lounge last night as we haven't touched base for a while. Bridges have been built and his relationship is back on course again. Didn't dare to mention Tim in a blip and not provide a status update for a certain interested party :-)

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