Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Office glass


"Try a different route next time"
"Don't run, leave promptly"


Anyway, today's actual submission is this reflect-y glass on the side of an office block - Council building, iirc.

Sharpr on Flickr.


I must also share: I emailed Sims kancho sensei to thank him for what he had sent so far (and what he's about to: a Chidokan emblem for me to put on my gi - though I'll need a new gi, which doesn't have the characters for Fushin Ryu down the front...), and I also asked him how often would be ok to send him queries, and what about videos for his comment/critique. He said to email him as often as I like, and videos would be "fantastic". The drive he clearly has to keep Chidokan alive, and bring back into the fold those like me, who have strayed: just wonderful.

And I'm doing what practice I can in my lunch breaks, and whenever patients don't show up. Much the best use of time I can think of. ^_^

Also, RLY?

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