It Is More Likely Just The Luck Of The Draw..

We were fortunate to wake up to a rather intermittent water supply, unlike most of the other houses in the area. It seems that there was a 12" main burst in a very muddy field and that has cut off the supply to nearly 3000 homes. Yorkshire Water have been supplying bottled water and they kindly left this large supply on the Village Green.

Sushi was delighted with an unscheduled day off as the school was closed due to no water supply. There are some wonderful stories on social media of the teenagers taking wheelbarrows to where the bottles were being delivered in town and then distributing them to the elderly and anybody who does not have easy access to collect water from themselves..renews your faith in human nature..

We now have a consistent (if not slightly brown) supply and we have joked that all my years working in the water treatment industry and helping industry to save water are paying off and my reward from the water gods is that we have water when those around us don't...I think it is more likely just the luck of the draw

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