My garden...... 330 ft long.
When I say garden ,perhaps I should qualify that !
One half is what most of us would recognise as garden........lawn ,flowerbed, shed etc.
But the other is tree covered ,steep escarpment  with a deep cut burn  running through it.
And with a mass of overgrown laurel and rhodedenron,,,,,,just the sort of place that the BBC would send David Attenbourgh to ,in the hope of finding species new to science!
So In  being made of stern stuff ,over the last couple of days in the spirit of Edgar Rice Burroughs , I chain sawed, beat off man eating tigers,swatted mosquitoes, braved spiders and hacked my way ever upwards through this jungle till I reached the Niagara  that marks my boundary.
And there to discover this venerable  100 foot tall sycamore tree doing a balancing act  on the burns edge!
His old gnarly toes.....normally so cosy and comfortable in a warm bed of soil......clinging on for dear life!
And the rocks below grimacing and grunting as they fight a losing battle to shoulder his prodigious weight!

And when they lose; seems highly likely,,,,,,,his 100 feet will flatten any fancygarden that I might make!!

Bugger !!!! 

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