twinned with trumpton


WTF? WFH today. So I had to read a pointless training course teaching stuff I already knew that I'm never going to use. Bit like being a student, really...

Suitably dispirited, I sneaked out on the bike at lunchtime for milk and blips (they're in the vegetable aisle this week, next to aubergines and asparagus - I think they group alphabetically in my local Tesco)

And then home to actually do some work. Which I did.

At 6, I once again got out the bike, and headed for another blip (light trails! Woooo!) and then to her's for moussaka. Tasty as.

We pootled about trying to do a moonpig card (who said romance is dead?) before minor migraine drove me home. (Not literally, I cycled. Slowly) And collapsed into the deepest of sleeps.

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