Brienenoord Rotterdam Skyline

What can I say ... a moment I could not afford to miss.  The Brienenoord Bridge was open (meaning closed for motorists, but we usually say 'open') to allow two giant cranes to continue on their journey up and down the Maas.  Not wanting to waste either the time or the spot of good weather above the city at that moment, I locked the car and explored the possibilities.  Of course, all the other drivers were wondering "what the hell is that woman going to do" as I walked briskly past them and carefully vaulted over the barriers to get my shots.  Two cranes means 15 minutes and I certainly took advantage.  Two extras have been included.  You can see the cranes in one of them.

I was almost late to class and managed to save my dignity by parking in that paid area.  I paid only for an hour and a half and returned to the car ahead of time the moment I had the chance and drove it to where I usually park it.  I did kill two crocodiles with one rock, though, by inviting one of my students to walk with me to the car and ride with me to the other area and then walk back with me again, as it was his turn for a one-to-one talk with me during which we evaluated his progress for the first quarter.

I really need to finish my pile tonight, having focused on the new homework yesterday evening.  In the meantime, hubby received the response to his interview of last week and the (quack) doctor's evaluation of hubby's health was, well ... never mind.  We have agreed, though, that unlike in the past, we will not allow this now to deflate our enthusiasm or give us more stress, even as hubby will do his best to straighten things up.  I think the interview was just a formality as they appear to have already made up their minds.  Don't you just love welfare bureaucracy?

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