Boy's knees
Will's poor old knees take a battering, but on the plus side as he is still in shorts I have no holes to patch! He fell on the playground this morning before the first bell had even gone. It does look sore. Then to top it off he fell out of bed soon after lights out and has given himself what can only be described as a huge carpet burn to his side! Needless to say he is feeling very sorry for himself.
After work I headed to the Sun Hotel to meet Nicoiseannie who also lives in Hitchin. We had a lovely chat and tea, we must do it again. I find meeting new people slightly scary because I don't like small talk, but if you follow someone on blip you tend to know a reasonable amount about them when you meet, so the need for small talk is disregarded. This was the case today with Anne.
Back home Carys went to ballet, Will did homework and happily did his violin practice. We both almost forgot to feed Carys when she came home from ballet. Negligent parents! In our defence I normally take her to ballet and she has a sandwich tea in the car on the way home.
One more school day until our long weekend. Can't wait.
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