Which Way?

Out with Miss Flum, who was doing a recce for a bike ride by Carron Valley reservoir, we passed this cast iron signpost/fingerpost with directions to Fintry and Kilsyth.

Obviously well past its best, it is of an unusual design - not just the super-pointy pointers, or the decoration at the top of the post, but because the destination is also on the reverse of the arms; the square suspended below the Fintry arm states the road number, B818, also cast iron. No distances are given. Sadly, some arms are missing, probably rusted away but it remains an interesting example. I should have checked to see if it was cast at the Carron ironworks but have only just considered that.

We duly continued to the reservoir, expecting to see the Duncarron mediæval village, but it was surrounded by a stockade and closed off. Maybe another time.

I have other photos for the day but have only four 'extras' left so am being careful how I use them. 

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