
We got the boat down the lake for about 1 and a quarter hours to a silversmith place. I didn't buy anything. It was mainly work of the Indian hippy style of my youth so I have enough!

We got the boat up a river to a village where there was an enormous market with many wares. The local bit was fruit, veg, fish, but mostly it was given over to what Mr C refers to as tourist tat. I have no enthusiasm for shopping, but enjoyed looking.

We then headed up the hill, through more stalls, till we reached an enormous complex of stupas dating from the 17th century. They had been built by a Myanmar King after he'd defeated the Thais, and built by Thai slaves. There were 1544 stupas in various states of decay, some similar to those in Cambodia and Vietnam. They had decayed beautifully, and bushes and ivy grew through and round them. Some have been "restored" and are now in gilt or terracotta. To our eyes, an eye sore.

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