Perehod IV

When I first came to Moscow nearly all the perehods (the underground tunnels that you use to cross the roads here) were full of kiosks selling everything from piroki (little pies) to gloves to batteries to glasses to Soviet memorabilia. Interspersed there were always kiosks selling clothes, underwear, people selling handbags, umbrellas. The passage ways, whilst always a bit dingy, had a definite life of their own....the people who worked in the kiosks, the shoppers, the people just browsing...all in addition to the people who were just walking through to get from one side of the road to the other.
Slowly over the last year or so a lot of the kiosks have started first they empty and then great swathes have been taken out.
This series of pictures is going to attempt to capture the life of these perehods before they all change for ever.

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