Foxy's Folio


The View From The Boundary

Chris (our son) wasn't meant to be playing cricket today ("rested" is the PC term, I believe!) in his team's top of the table clash, but had gone along to watch so, when one of the team cried off at the last minute, I got a call asking me to dash down to Middlezoy with his kit and today's blip was taken care of.

This was taken in just the 2nd over and the batsman is about to crash this ball to the boundary. Chris is at short mid wicket, more or less centre of picture, with his hands on knees and cap on head. The opposition were scoring rather too freely when I left after 10 overs to help filling kitchen cupboards back home. Many thanks for comments on yesterday's blip - I'm amazed at how much interest the saga of our new kitchen has caused, to be honest!

Definitely a clearer view when seen large.

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