Photographic musings

By Wheeliebloke


The theme I was given today was 'Landscape'. I knew where I was going to take my shot. The last time I was at Coombe Hill was with my recently ex-girlfriend which is the whole reason for my having been given these photographic challenges; a distraction, a focus; part of the healing process. Appropriately as I neared the viewpoint, I saw that it was shrouded by low cloud. It reflects my mood, of late. I parked the car and picked up my D300 from the passenger seat. The battery was dead. Oops. So I decided to do a panoramic iPhone shot instead. I made my way along the path to the viewpoint that normally looks out over the Aylesbury Vale, passing spots where I'd previously laughed but this time I cried. It's cathartic I suppose. So I'm sitting next to the monument typing this and shivering, looking around and not seeing very far at all. This photo so accurately describes my feeling lately.

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