#Lucky, happy & loved

By J4n3t

Abstract Thursday: snowflake?

Been distracting my self in abstraction, this is my ear-ring, it's a snowflake stud...

The extra is a collage of some of my family...

Top left; my mam's brother, wife and their sons. The one on the right is my cousin who passed away on Tuesday ♥ Sadly only one (cousin) is still alive in this photo - he's devastated by the loss of his brother.
Top right; my cousin (he was 1 year older than me). 
Bottom left; my mam and dad (and me - they'd just found out)
Bottom right; my dad and granddad, both no longer here to keep me on the straight and narrow. 
So this wee collage is a teeny memorial of some wonderful folk who've been instrumental in making me who I am today.

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