A different view

I've back blipped yesterdays Room with a View, hope you take a look.

Haweswater is very low at the moment - it's rare that the little island between The Rigg & the 'normal' island is visible and at the South-West end the old road walls are standing clear of the water again. The exposed band around the shore shows the level to be approx 10ft lower than normal - but it does also add a nice layer of definition to a Blip!

I was up early this morning in the hope of a nice sunrise - but the dull flat sky (which failed to convey any of the drama of the gales that came through in the night) meant that only the gradual brightening of the sky gave any sense that the sun had indeed risen. I put the kettle on & snoozed - the bellows of stags, somewhere off towards Blea Water, echoing off the crags all around.
Eventually I broke camp - and with the wind dropped I headed up onto the tops, sadly the only snow I saw was in little patches - and to the West I could see the worsening weather approaching. I  hiked round from Nan Bield over Harter Fell and Adam Seat then down to Gatesgarth - I took the now much improved path down & by the time I reached the car park the first of the days walkers were arriving - giving me odd looks as I packed up & headed for home.

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