High Rise Sunset

I did think of the title 'Flat Sunset' ... which sounded like something else entirely, so chucked that in the bin.

Shot while walking back to my car.  Seriously, after a couple of days of cold, we're back to autumn temperatures.  Of course there were scattered rainshowers ... elsewhere.

A relaxed day at work.  Happy to say I'm done with correcting and marking = 170 exams after taking off those who didn't make them.  Emptied one and a half red pens.  That done, the work continues, as it usually has to.

We're going through a rough patch here at home with regards to a couple of issues, thankfully nothing relationship-wise.  Shouldering it like adults ... and now I am reminded of something I posted on my FB page:
"Adulthood is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane."

I've alerted the managers that I'm seriously contemplating a full-time position next schoolyear, especially as one of us is leaving -- a senior colleague, JRZ, who has been so supportive ever since my very first day at the HR.  I have been paying him back with bags of dried mangoes every time I come from a holiday in The Phil.

Cup of tea, some serious YouTube docus, bed.

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