Oh my God!

Went with youngest to buy a tv. Ventured into my least favourite store. Went to the tv section and stood and stood and stood... Finally after ageing about ten years, I found an assistant. On appearing I asked him if he was working alone in the time it took to get seen to. Well I was pricing stuff for Black Friday. Well said I this must be Black Thursday as we have been waiting here like the three stooges. At this point a small tight arssed wee block of a man called the hapless assistant over and asked if we were causing trouble!!! The lad said no and came back over to us. At which point short arse came over and announced they were slow as the shop was busy! Glancing around me and clocking a total of about nine equally forlorn folks I said with just a smidgen of sarcasm, I can see that!.
Anyhow off he trots and the assistant who by this time was rattling off all the amazing things this tv could so. We said we will take it only then to be told they weren't in stock. Seriously at this point I was wanting that beardy twatt Allan Sugar to appear and shout YOU'RE FIRED!
HOWEVER in order not to be struck by a bolt of lightening from me, he said the Braehead store still had some and we could reserve one and go over and get it.
At this point daughter and chubby hubby ran for the exit while I went back to have a bite at the narky wee floor manager who had the cheek to accuse me of insulting his staff. I told him I hadn't come close to thinking of an insult even though I had plenty of time to mull over several and in a variety of languages! However my advice to him was to go on a course to learn people skills and with that I left him.
The experience in Braehead couldn't have been more different. For starters they hads loads of staff who really knew their stuff and could have taught the creep in the other store a thing or two about customer service.
And this was me and I haven't even contemplated Christmas shopping! Bha humbuggeres! And if I hear that stupid Pogues song one more time I may commit a crime!

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