Titley Times

By racheltitley

Monkey puzzle

There are days that tiddler is just madder than a box of chocolate frogs - today would be one of them.

On a shopping trip with the sole purpose of trying to find cheap clothes to cut up for ophan clothes for eldest's dress rehearsal tomorrow we came across this monkey themed onesie and tiddlers heart was set on it. There were no onesies in our house before this, and he has been wearing it almost none stop since we got home (thankfully he had the decency to get dressed to pop to the shop) At least we won't have any arguments about getting ready for bed tonight.

Eldest had his Speech and Drama stage 1 exam this morning - my heart jumped into my mouth when I panicked that he had to have learnt all of his pieces by heart, but he says he didn't forget any words. So break a leg and results possibly tomorrow or next Saturday at the latest. He's already started the bargaining/negotiations for what he believes he deserves should he pass :-)

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