Flower Friday

I decided to see what Black Friday was all about in MK this morning.  Why?  I have no idea.  It was heaving and such a waste of energy.  It's no wonder I have a headache this afternoon.

Mind you, I have been sitting down enjoying Davis Cup tennis, and doing a little bit of sewing.  Well done to Kyle Edmund for taking the first two sets and bad luck for losing the next three.

Little inspiration for Flower Friday but I still have the lavender I picked in late summer so I'm afraid that's it for today.

Out for dinner again tonight, which reminds me, Vincente and Flavia were amazing last night, so  If you get a chance to go and see them, then do.

I am dreadfully behind with my comments, sorry.

And finally, JazzyB has unlocked her account so that all you lovely people can join in her Christmas cake challenge. Go on, you know you want to.

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