horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Meow we are 10

Good news and bad news at the vet today.

The good was Isla here, whose tail appears to be okay (though still to be kept an eye on), which was nice to hear on the 5th anniversary of us adopting her from Lothian Cat Rescue.

The bad was one of our chooks, Ruby. Yesterday she retired to the nestbox. We checked on her, and all seemed 'okay' last night, but this morning she was clearly struggling. The vet has a drop in, and after waiting to go in for a while, he checked her over on the table, and as he popped out to find out some info for me, she had a scrabble at trying to get up, then drooped.

She was never the friendliest of chooks, but that might have been the fact she was bottom of the pecking order for the whole of her time here. I've asked the vet to try and find out what it was that hit her so suddenly, in case it's something that might affect the other girls.

Off to peck the eternal corn.

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