Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3


Well, that is what Jekka calls it.

This is African Rosemary or Eriocephalus Africanus.

In Namaqualand, where this shrub grows prolifically, it is also known as Kapokbossie. It has a wonderful strong smell like a cross between ordinary rosemary and vicks. It flowers in winter with these amazing clusters of small, white flowers that turn into little tufts of fluff when they finish flowering.

I bought a small plant early in the summer to ad to my medicinal plant collection and it has grown to a wonderful, big, gangly, spindly bush. Until the storm a couple of weeks ago. It was blown to smithereens as it tranpsired to have very brittle branches. I am going to have to stake it from now on I think, not much is left of it :(

Anyway, this African wild rosemary has traditionally been used as a medicine for many ailments like coughs and colds, flatulence and colic, as a diuretic and a diaphoretic.It is also good for skin and hair.

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